We support teachers and students in meeting Speaking & Listening and SEL standards!
Common Core State Standards
Students who are college and career ready come to understand other perspectives and cultures.
Speaking & Listening Standards addressed by The Interview Project:
Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.
Evaluate a speaker's point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric.
TCSD Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Standards
Standard 1: Develop self-awareness skills to have knowledge of one’s emotions, to develop an accurate and positive self-concept, and to recognize individual strengths and external support systems
Objective C: Student demonstrates awareness of external supports
Identifies school support personnel and knows why, when, and how to access them
Identifies organizations and people in one's community that can provide information and/or opportunities to develop interests or talents or address personal needs
Seeks out and identifies adult role models
Standard 2 : Develop and demonstrate self-management skills and resiliency to regulate emotions and to monitor and achieve behaviors related to school and life success
Objective A: Student demonstrates ability to manage emotions constructively
Evaluates the roles one’s attitude, perception, and perspective play in achieving personal goals (i.e. pessimism vs. optimism)
Practices strategies for coping with and overcoming feelings of rejection, social isolation, and other forms of stress
Demonstrates the ability to access personal strategies to generate and maintain positive attitudes, even in the face of adversity
Standard 3: Develop social awareness skills needed to establish and maintain positive relationships
Objective A: Student demonstrates awareness of other people’s emotions and perspectives
Uses communication skills to elicit the perspectives of others
Demonstrates ability to listen responsively to different opinions
Demonstrates ability to express empathy for others
Objective C: Student demonstrates an awareness of cultural issues and a respect for human dignity and differences
Analyzes how people of different groups help one another and appreciate one another’s diversity
Explains how individual, social, and cultural differences can lead to stereotyping and identifies benefits of diversity